Bootstrapping RangesBlock bootstrap ranges optionally within genome segmentation |
Block bootstrap for genomic ranges |
BootRanges object |
Segmenting genome by density |
Genome segmentation based on feature density |
Combine nearby regions with same state |
Segmentation based on one region |
Assessing bootstrap quality |
Plot genome segmentation |
Matching RangesUse a propensity score-based method to match ranges by one or more covariates. |
Generate a covariate-matched control set of ranges |
Matched classes |
Matched objects |
MatchedDataFrame objects |
MatchedGRanges objects |
MatchedGInteractions objects |
Assessing matching quality |
Overview of matching quality |
Covariate plotting for Matched objects |
Propensity score plotting for Matched objects |
Accessor functions |
Get matched data from a Matched object |
Get covariates from a Matched object |
Get matching method used for Matched object |
Get replace method |
Get indices of matched set |
Get focal set from a Matched object |
Get pool set from a Matched object |
Get matched set from a Matched object |
Get unmatched set from a Matched object |
Utility functions |
Function for creating combinations of covariates |
Function for generating an example matchRanges or Matched dataset |